Mastering UX/UI Design: In the ever-evolving world of UX/UI design, rules provide valuable insights into how users behave and use interfaces. When designers utilise these fundamental laws, they can create a user-centred experience.

In this article, we’ll look at 5 important design rules: Jakob’s Law, Hick’s Law, Miller’s Law, Fitt’s Law, and the Von Restorff Effect.

We will uncover how and why these design principles make our digital creations not only visually appealing but also functional and effective in providing a great user experience.

  • Jakob’s Law

Familiarity breeds usability. Users expect consistency throughout different websites and applications. Therefore, your website should align with others. Achieving this involves keeping design elements and interaction patterns with users’ existing mental models. As a result, designers can create more intuitive and user-friendly interfaces.

Mastering UX/UI Design

  • Hick’s Law

Streamlining decision making. Hick’s law is often referred to as the principle of “cognitive load”. The more choices a user has, the longer it takes for them to make a decision. If there are too many options, then the user may abandon the task altogether. This law has a significant impact on UX/UI designers as it emphasises the need to simplify user interfaces. Designers can utilise this law by presenting fewer options and guiding users toward a desired action.

Mastering UX/UI Design

  • Miller’s Law

The magic number 7 (plus or minus 2). A person’s short-term memory is limited in how many pieces of information it can process. It is important for designers to display complex information into smaller manageable chunks. Ideally in 7 (plus or minus 2) chunks. Designers can then present content in a way that aligns with the limitations of the human memory. This ensures better comprehension and retention.

Miller's Law

  • Fitt’s Law

Navigating targets with ease is a fundamental principle emphasized in UX mentorship. This law sheds light on the correlation between the size of a target and the time it takes to reach it. Interactive elements (such as buttons and links) need to be large and strategically placed. This not only minimises user error but it also enhances user satisfaction. By utilising this law, designers can create an interface that is easier to navigate. Encouraging a more fluid engagement and enhancing the user experience.

Fitt's Law

  • Von Restorff Effect

Standing out from the crowd. The Von Restorff Effect, also known as the “isolation effect”, states that users remember the item that stands out. This cognitive phenomenon created an opportunity for designers to catch users’ eyes with visually contrasting and hierarchical elements. As a result, users can be guided towards important information, call-to-action buttons, and key messages. Ux Designers can ensure that the user engages with the most essential content, thus optimising the user experience.

Von Restorff Effect

Mastering UX/UI Design fundamental design laws allows designers to create user-centred experiences.

They can gain insights into users’ behavioural tendencies and cognitive processes. Integrating these rules into your design process can enhance the quality and impact of your product.

This ultimately leads to a more user-centred and successful outcome.