Client Project: Oh Lily

The first step involved us reviewing the project brief provided by the client. Next we had an introductory client project call to discuss the details. During this call, we had the opportunity to ask questions and gain a deeper understanding of their requirements. After examining the client’s website, we pinpointed areas that needed improvement. To gain a better understanding of how users interacted with the website, we conducted eight exploratory interviews. In preparation, we crafted a research plan, discussion guide, introduction script, and a set of questions utilised by all team members. These resources proved valuable in our analysis and conclusion-building process.

Interview Questions

Here are some examples of the client project questions we asked during the exploratory interviews:
(This took about 45 minutes for each participant)

Background Questions:

  • Do you consider nutrition and wellbeing important in your everyday life? 
  • Do you like to exercise? 
  • What types of physical activities do you enjoy?


Targeted Questions:

  •   Do you usually snack between meals? 
  •   Can you tell me some of the snacks you’ve had over the last week?
  •   How healthy are the snacks you just told me about?


On the Oh-Lily Website:

  •   What is this website about?
  •   Could you please “purchase” Parisian Kiss? 
  •   Who do you think would be interested in this website?
  •   If there was one thing that we could change to make you buy from this website, what would it be?
Affinity Mapping

We used a technique called “affinity mapping” to group the results of our interviews. This helped us to identify the needs and struggles of the users.

Here are two examples of the groupings we created:

Affinity Mapping for the client project

User Persona

After these interviews, we defined a persona that combined all the characteristics of our users. Our persona is called “Amy Brodie”:

  •   34 years old
  •   A personal trainer from London
  •   3 personal workouts per week
  •   Cautious with her calorie intake, reads packages and ingredients list
  •   Wants to feel more energised

User Persona for the client project

User Journey

Our interviews enabled us to create a user journey for the client project. This revealed that users were not entirely satisfied with the Oh Lily website. While they liked the product, the online shopping experience needed improving.

User Journey

User Journey

The goal is to have an overall good mood score. In order to achieve this, we observed Amy as she purchased a few of the products. We then asked her to comment on each step and verbalise her thoughts.

Problem Statement

After completing these steps, we formulated our problem statement.

‘First-time visitors to the website need clear, visible, and straightforward information about products and actions, so that they don’t feel unease or uncertain of their choices.’

How Might We Statements

We use ‘How Might We’ statements to find solutions to user problems, and as a team, we voted on which statements we considered most important to focus on.

User Flow

A user flow illustrates the steps a user takes from arriving to the website to purchasing the product.

User Flow

Crazy Eights

Crazy Eights is a fun and quick activity that helps designers come up with lots of ideas for a problem they’re working on. To start, we have to draw eight ideas in just eight minutes. The goal is to keep going and not worry about making things perfect. Once we finish, we voted on the best idea for the customers.

Here is an example of my Crazy Eights:

Crazy Eights


Wireframes show the structure and layout of a website. With our basic idea decided, we moved on to creating wireframes.


Each team member created a wireframe and collectively we chose our favourite to move forward with.



A prototype is a mock-up of a product or design used for testing and evaluation. Typically, this is done before creating the final product. In our case, we converted these wireframes into prototypes in Figma. By doing this, it allowed us to test and validate the design idea with real users before proceeding with the development of the final product.

Usability Testing

After creating our first prototype, we conducted usability testing to uncover any design problems in the checkout process. Additionally, by creating a hypothesis, our team ensured we were testing the right aspects and focusing on the goal of creating a simple checkout process.

 These were the steps our team followed:

Usability Testing

Prototype Improvements

After analysing the answers from usability testing, we identified two patterns which guided our prototype improvements. As a team, we voted on the most important issues and made changes in Figma.

Firstly, participants disliked the characteristic of the button. Therefore, we changed the colour and letters to make it more visible and appealing. The second change we made was ensuring the cart overlay stayed on the page until the user clicked elsewhere. With these changes implemented, our prototype was complete and ready for presentation.

Prototype Improvements

Final Prototype

Here is the link to our final prototype. As a team we feel very proud of what we developed. Our main goals for this project have been accomplished:

  • Evaluate and improve the usability of the shop section of the website
  • Reducing the number of clicks between landing page and check out
  • Improve sales by cross-selling 


As a team we developed a final presentation where we included all our findings and we are ready to present!